Collecting Antiques

Learn how to value and identify antiques and collectibles, including furniture, jewelry, pottery and more.
Flora Danica Dinnerware by Royal Copenhagen
12 Classic Vintage China Patterns
vintage furniture
The Difference Between Antique and Vintage
Place setting with vintage dinnerware, arrangement of yellow flowers, and lit candles..
Collecting Fine Antique and Vintage China
Overview of Vaseline Glass
vintage tupperware
Guide to Vintage Tupperware
Records leaning against shelves
Signs Your Record Album Is Valuable
Mid-Century Modern Abstracted Fruit & Animals by Atelier Rabiusla
5 Popular Antiques to Buy and Flip Now
Fire King Primrose Pattern
Common Fire-King Glassware Patterns
Estate sale items laid across white surface
Valuable Items to Buy at Estate Sales
Antique tea kettle and cups
Where to Get Your Antiques Appraised
Vintage boot-shaped slag glass tooth pick holder
What Is Slag Glass?
American Modern Designed by Russell Wright
Guide to Mid-Century Dishware
Man with beard standing in front of a shelf of old cameras
How to Make Money Buying and Selling Antiques
Illustration of carnival glass
Glassware Price Guides
Pyrex gravy boat
Guide to Vintage Pyrex Patterns
Dressing table with Cabriole legs
Know Your Furniture Leg Styles
Pearls in Shell
Identifying Pearls Used in Antique and Vintage Jewelry
tips for selling antiques to dealers
4 Tips for Selling Antiques to Dealers
antiques in a narrow corner in a store
How to Identify and Research Your Antiques
George III style mahogany Hepplewhite chair
Hepplewhite Style Furniture
Woman sitting in designer furniture shop and using tablet pc
How to Find Values for Your Antiques and Collectibles
Close-up of an antique pocket watch
How Old Is an Antique?
Early 19th century Boston Sheraton sideboard
How to Identify Sheraton Style Antique Furniture
Old photographs next to photo album and protective gloves
How To Properly Store Old Photographs
Antique dresser
Should You Restore and Refinish Antique Furniture?
Display of a milk glass collection.
Antique and Collectible Milk Glass
Four-Column Pedestal Card Table with Pineapple Finial.United States, New York, New York City, 1815-1820 Furnishings; Furniture Mahogany, tulip poplar, pine woods 29 1/2 x 36 1/2 x 18 3/8 in. (74.93 x 92.71 x 46.67 cm)
How to Identify Antique Tables
Green and white swirl milk glass pedestal dish by Westmoreland Glass Company
Westmoreland Glass Company
Vintage telephone
6 Ways to Identify Bakelite
Flea market
Antiques: Where Do You Find All This Stuff?
Antique Cameo Brooch
How to Identify Real Cameo Jewelry
Lace, a pocket mirror and pearl necklace
Antique, Vintage, and Estate Jewelry Defined
1929 photo of the Art Deco interior of a house which serves as the set for the film 'Our Modern Maidens'.
Defining Art Deco Style
American Depression Glass At Estate Sale
Types of Colorful Glass Used in Vintage Kitchenware
Depression Glass
Collecting Depression Glass
A pair of Buddy Lee dolls
Determining the Worth of Buddy Lee Advertising Dolls
American Rococo Petticoat Console Table
What Rococo Means in Relation to Antique Furniture
a box of vintage glass ornaments
The High Value of Vintage Christmas Ornaments
Online research -- vintage camera
Researching Antiques and Collectibles on the Internet
A man French at Messrs Nicholls & James, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, polishes a Windsor armchair for export to the USA.
Know Your American Antique and Collectible Furniture
Antiques at a Denmark flea market
How to Haggle on Prices for Antiques
Frankoma Boot Bookend
How to Value and Collect Frankoma Pottery
Queen Anne style dressing table with cabriole legs
How to Identify Queen Anne Furniture
Variety of old-fashioned buttons in palm of hand over wood surface
How to Keep Old Clothing Buttons as Collectibles
Antique tea cups and saucers collection
How to Value Antiques Like an Appraiser
Gunston Hall painted Windsor chairs
The Windsor Chair
Art Deco jewelry ring
Characteristics of Art Deco Jewelry
Shopping for Vintage Jewelry
Where to Buy Vintage Jewelry
Eastlake Walnut Settee
Identifying Eastlake Furniture
Bakelite Pineapple Carved Bangles
Collecting Bakelite Jewelry
Victorian Pianoforte Residing in The Queen Anne Mansion in Eureka Springs, Arkansas
Is It a Piano, Pianoforte or Maybe a Harpsichord?
Ravenna Bowl by Sven Palmqvist for Orrefors, Sweden, 1960
Collector's Guide to Midcentury Glass
Display of pink Depression glass
All About Pink Depression Glass
Snow Babies
How to Identify and Collect Snow Babies Figurines
Fruit in Fire King bowl
How to Collect Fire-King Glass
Carnival Glass Dugan Iris Tankard & Glass Set
Carnival Glass Identification and Value Guide
Daum Nancy pillow vase.
Daum Nancy Art Glass
Roseville Blue Apple Blossom Basket
Roseville Pottery Pattern Identification and Value Guide
Roseville Reproduction Mark Example
How to Identify Roseville Pottery Reproductions
Porcelain cups
Limoges Porcelain Identification and Value Guide